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Item Type: NewsGroup Date Entered: 7/24/2002 3:18:50 AM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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Asp.Net User
IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?7/24/2002 3:18:50 AM


Two questions:

1) I really don't like the idea that the GetPortalSettings stored procedure is called for EVERY request... OK, the modules have a caching mechanism, which lessens the webserver load; but how would you cache the PortalSettings to make the application more efficient. Why not use something like Application("PortalSettings")?

2) Similarly, the following line is used throughout the portal to read the PortalSettings:

' Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(Context.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)

Is this "Context" object similar to the traditional Application() object? How does it work?

Thanks in advance :)


Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?7/24/2002 10:13:47 AM


Hi Smyrnian,

2) The context.Items dictionary is for that request only, and it allows things like a HttpHandler and a HttpModule to share data. The way it's used in IBuySpy is to allow the global.asax file (HttpApplication) to get the information from the DB, and share it to any page in the application.

Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?7/24/2002 10:26:47 AM


Thanks Shannon, that makes sense.

Since the PortalSettings data doesn't change very often, it doesn't make sense that the database is hit for this information in EVERY request. I am toying with the idea of creating an Application("PortalSettings") global variable and storing the configuration data in here.

So in Global.asax:

If Application("UseCachedPortalSettings") = True Then
End If

The Application("UseCachedPortalSettings") can be switched on and off in the admin page as necessary..

How does that sound? anyone?

Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?7/24/2002 11:36:52 AM


Hey guys! I just found something in IBS Portal that will probably interest you. Have you ever noticed that if you put a breakpoint anywhere in the PortalSettings Class (\Components\Configuration.vb) and then hit F5 to run the app.... it actually hits the database for the Portal settings twice!...

Well, whats happening there is Default.aspx.vb uses Response.Redirect to DesktopDefault.aspx or MobileDefault.aspx depending on the type of client.

Default.aspx.vb IS a request in itself and then the redirection is also a second request to the webserver, the PortalSettings Class is run TWICE!!!

To correct the problem, open Default.aspx.vb and modify it to use use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect like this:

If Request.Browser("IsMobileDevice") = "true" Then


End If

All the more reason to find a way to cache the PortalSettings somehow eh? ;)

Happy coding!
Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?7/24/2002 3:05:30 PM


And what is the difference between this?


-- or --


There should be a reason that they ( team) have used Response.Redirect, or not?

Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?7/24/2002 3:11:30 PM


The difference is where they the redirect is done:

In Response.Redirect("DesktopDefault.aspx") the client browser makes a second request to DesktopDefault.aspx

In Server.Transfer("DesktopDefault.aspx") the server terminates the current request and transfers the current request to DesktopDefault.aspx

If there is a reason why the team have used Response.Redirect, that can't justify two (huge) hits on the database! ;)

Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?2/6/2004 12:15:00 AM


Smyrnian, any improvements with this? Does the IBUYSpy portal connects to the database just when the user initiates the session or what?
Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?11/6/2006 10:31:25 PM


Hello All,

I was looking at the code for Rainbow and Ibuy portals and was wondering the same thing as the posts above, is the database queried on each request for each page?

How are the user controls cached? Could someone please explain this with some sample codes.


Please be sure to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helped you.
Asp.Net User
Re: IBS Portal: How to cache PortalSettings?10/22/2007 12:21:53 PM


even i have changed the Response.Redirect to Server.Transfer ... but still this is un-answerable yet ... or i couldn't find the reason yet for it as why portal settings are being loaded more then one time on each request?

Is it for the fact that Application_BeginRequest is being called on every web-event raised in the application?
then how many hidden web events are being raised as a result of a single clickin the portal. Since i m getting this line executed four times after one click:

Context.Items.Add("PortalSettings", new PortalSettings(tabIndex, tabId));    in Global.cs


The difference is where they the redirect is done:

In Response.Redirect("DesktopDefault.aspx") the client browser makes a second request to DesktopDefault.aspx

In Server.Transfer("DesktopDefault.aspx") the server terminates the current request and transfers the current request to DesktopDefault.aspx

If there is a reason why the team have used Response.Redirect, that can't justify two (huge) hits on the database! ;)



9 Items, 1 Pages 1 |< << Go >> >|

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