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Asp.Net User
SQL Project3/7/2008 2:24:35 PM


Hi Guys,

I've been teaching myself, very slowly, the whole webdesign thing using VWD as my prefered tool. You'll be happy to here I can now design, build, and deploy sites, and I think VWD is a fantastic tool for doing so. My next challenge is to integrate dbs onto sites, the kind of thing where people enter data onto the db via the site, and others can access the data in a similar fashion - you know, FaceBook, Bebo, YouTube, dating sites etc. The problem is that SQL and dbs in general are my bette noir - I'm terrified of them. I've got the VWD manuals (Idiots etc), and I've done the VWD/SQL video training, but what I really need is a good, ground up, comprehensive - but idiot proof (for I am that person) project/s that will take me through designing and integrating SQL dbs into web projects. I'm pretty sure that doing so, just like designing websites, is pretty simple once you know it, but my fear of such coupled with my inability to find the perfect resource for doing so have brought me to a standstill. If anyone can point me in the direction of a project or simple guide that will lead me to my goal I'd be very gratefull.


Asp.Net User


Per email - we will be working in VB. I'm a C# guy so this was a good chance to jump the fence to the other side.

1. Open Visual Web Developer, go to File, and on the dropdown choose "New Web Site...".

1a. It will default to some name like WebSite2, WebSite3, and you probably want to change this to something more descriptive (you may soon have several web sites).

2. In "Solution Explorer" on the right near the top, look for an icon that is a gray folder with a yellow cylinder in front of it and the words "App_Data".  Right click it.

2a. Choose "Add New Item".

3. Under Visual Studio installed templates choose "SQL Server Database".

3a. Since this is the first SQL database it will name it Database.mdf by default and yes, you want it to have the name Database.mdf (it will then be compatible with the connection string in the examples).

3b. Click the "Add" button.

3c. You should see it in the Solution Explorer window under App_Data now.

You should be ready now to do the work in the examples that follow.

Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
INDEX OF EXAMPLES3/10/2008 11:27:08 PM


This space is reserved to be an Index.  I see this thread growing to 20-30 posts (maybe even a few more).  I look forward working with Michael, and expect a few others may come here too, and for them, I'd like an index here to provide an overview on what they can find that will help them.



1a. The aspx file for INSERT_SQL (TextMode="MultiLine" is needed because in most cases there will be several lines of SQL code)

1b. The aspx.vb file for INSERT_SQL (key features include: Imports, SqlConnection, SqlCommand, ExecuteNonQuery() which takes the commands in "mystring" and directions them to the table specified by the connection "conn") {notice that the connection conn is opened: conn.Open(), and closed: conn.Close() }

2. SQL is used to create a table (I use the line with id int IDENTITY with almost every table I make--it is automatic at this point; I didn't put a NOT NULL on Population because I didn't have the time to find all the answer--we can also use this later to show how SQL can add data to an existing record)

3. SQL Code is used to add records to an empty table (INSERT INTO puts new records into a table; the first part names the columns; the part after the word VALUES lists what goes into the record)

4a (aspx), 4b (aspx.vb). A dropdown menu lets you select a city for which the population has not yet been added (e.g. Instanbul) and a textbox lets you type in the number for the population (e.g. 11200000).  When you press the button, the code behind page has a subroutine that creates a SQL statement your input and runs it through an ExecuteNonQuery().  You will see ExecuteNonQuery() quite a few times in future examples.  New vocabulary: UPDATE, SET, WHERE. 

5. SQL code is provided to create a new table, Hotels and to give it several records.  An INNER JOIN is used to connect the two tables (Cities, Hotels) together.  An ON is used to make the join occur where the entry in the field "City" in table Cities is the same as the entry in the field "City" in the table "Hotels". An AND is used to combine two statements for the WHERE (you want the search to find a number between two extremes defined by variables).  The SQL statement is broken into segments with the & character between segments.  The segments are either text or variables.  Apostrophes are added to the text and placed so that they will encapsulate the number provided by the variable.  Data is taken from both tables to construct sentences.  New vocabulary: INNER JOIN, ON, AND.

 5c. The INNER JOIN was rather complicated (but introduced early because it is so helpful).  Another section provides a little more explanation about it.

After 5, a review/overview page will provide more discussion on the various new features introduced in 1 through 5.

6. TRUNCATE TABLE removes the contents of a table but the structure of the table remains.


8. INNER JOINs are used to connect together 4 tables.

9. GROUP BY (with explanation of how to avoid common error message) - an upgrade to this is needed and will be coming

10. Math Functions: SUM, AVG, STDEV, ExecuteScalar()


12. A Dropdownlist is used to change the SQL command (WHERE, ORDER BY); the commands are not new but the format is new

13. Aggregate functions (SUM, COUNT, AVG, MIN, MAX) are compared using the dropdownlist-to-change-SQL-command pages introduced in 12.

14. A stored procedure is introduced; it uses the word EXECUTE

15. a stored procedure includes two parameters and is used to  insert new records into a table.


17. FOREIGN KEY (a cousin to PRIMARY KEY)

Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
1A- The VB version of Inject_SQL.aspx3/11/2008 12:00:33 AM



<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="Inject_SQL.aspx.vb" Debug="true" Inherits="Inject_SQL" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Beginner SQL Injection Box</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="SQL_Inject_Box" Width="700px" Height="200px" runat="server" 
            TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox><br />
        <asp:Button ID="SQL_Inject_Button" runat="server" Text="Inject" />
        <p>Warning: Do not let any other person have access to this web page! Someone else (hacker) might use this!  Keep this web page secret!  The content on this page is kept simple for purposes of helping a beginner.</p>
        <p>Your complimentary link to what you will want to learn: <a href="">Microsoft paper on SQL Injection Attacks</a></p>
Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
1B- The code behind page (VB), Inject_SQL.aspx.vb3/11/2008 12:06:24 AM


Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Imports System.Data
Partial Class Inject_SQL
     Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
     Protected Sub SQL_Inject_Button_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SQL_Inject_Button.Click
       Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")
       Dim mystring As String = SQL_Inject_Box.Text
       Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(mystring, conn)
       SQL_Inject_Box.Text = ""
     End Sub
End Class

Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
2. SQL Code that Builds a Table3/11/2008 1:22:43 AM



City nchar(20) NOT NULL,
Country nchar(20) NOT NULL,
Latitude int NOT NULL,
Population int)
Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
3. SQL Code that Adds Records to the Table3/11/2008 1:25:53 AM




INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Oslo','Norway','59','560000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Stockholm','Sweden','59','800000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Moscow','Russia','55','8300000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Berlin','Germany','52','3400000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Amsterdam','Netherlands','52','730000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('London','United Kingdom','51','7000000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Praque','Czech Republic','50','1200000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Paris','France','48','2200000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Vienna','Austria','48','1500000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Munich','Germany','48','740000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Budapest','Hungary','47','1800000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Zurich','Switzerland','47','380000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Montreal','Canada','45','1600000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Florence','Italy','43','370000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Toronto','Canada','43','2500000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Marseille','France','43','1300000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude, Population) VALUES ('Boston','USA','42','4300000')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES  ('Rome','Italy','41')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Instanbul','Turkey','41')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Denver','USA','39')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Athens','Greece','38')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Seoul','South Korea','37')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Algiers','Algeria','36')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Tokyo','Japan','35')	
INSERT INTO Cities (City, Country, Latitude) VALUES ('Baghdad','Iraq','33')
Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
4a. DropDown.aspx3/13/2008 2:51:48 PM


The aspx page below (everything below the ***) has a dropdownlist with the names of cities to which a population has not been added yet (the value in the table is NULL).  Population data is provided for the five remaining cities:

Rome: 2,700,000. Instanbul : 11,200,000. Athens : 750,000. Denver : 2,400,000. Seoul : 10,400,000.

(Note: this page has two ?issues? that I want to improve upon them later?for now it will serve the purpose of introducing several things: connecting a dropdown list to the code behind page, using the selection of the dropdown list to put the name of a city in a SQL statement, using a number typed into a textbox to put a number into a SQL statement)

I hope that this is example is small enough that for just looking at it, you can see what everything is doing.  If there is any question, don't hesitate to ask.


<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="DropDown.aspx.vb" Inherits="DropDown" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>Drop Down</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:DropDownList ID="AddPopulationDropDownList" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
            DataSourceID="AddPopulationSqlDataSource" DataTextField="City" 
        <asp:SqlDataSource ID="AddPopulationSqlDataSource" runat="server"  
            ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" 
            SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Cities] WHERE [Population] IS NULL"></asp:SqlDataSource>
        Update population to: <asp:TextBox ID="PopulationTextBox" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
        <asp:Button ID="PopulationUpdateButton" runat="server" Text="Update Population" /> <br /><br />
        <div id="commandline" runat="server">You need to choose a city from the dropdown menu</div>


Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
4b. DropDown.aspx.vb3/13/2008 2:53:10 PM



Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data

Partial Class DropDown
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub AddCity(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PopulationUpdateButton.Click

        Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")

        Dim thecommand As String = "UPDATE Cities SET Population='" + PopulationTextBox.Text + "' WHERE id='" + AddPopulationDropDownList.SelectedValue.ToString() + "'"
        Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(thecommand, conn)

        commandline.InnerHtml = "<i>The SQL command executed just now was: </i>" + thecommand


    End Sub

End Class
Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
5. Project overview and SQL INSERT INTO statements3/15/2008 2:53:55 AM


Assume that after traveling to several of the cities, you decide you want to buy several hotels.  You later want to list the hotels between two values, an upper latitude and a lower latitude.  If there was one hotel in each city you would want to just add a new column to your Cities table.  However, for the large cities you have found several hotels that interest you, so you want to make new table, Hotels, that can be used to associate several hotels to a city.  Each hotel will be a separate record (a separate row) in the table.
City nchar(20) NOT NULL,
Hotel nchar(50) NOT NULL)

INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Paris','Hotel de Crillon')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Paris','Hotel de Vendome')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Paris','Hotel Regina')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Berlin','The Regent Hotel Berlin')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Berlin','Rocco Forte Hotel de Rome')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Berlin','Grand Hyatt Berlin')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Moscow','Renaissance Moscow Hotel')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Rome','Hotel Marco Polo')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Stockholm','Birger Jarl')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Zurich','Hotel Eden au Lac Zurich')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Tokyo','Mandarin Oriental Tokyo')
INSERT INTO Hotels (City, Hotel) VALUES ('Algiers','Sofitel Alger')

You can get information from both tables if you use an INNER JOIN.

For an INNER JOIN, both tables will be named in the SQL statement and identified with letters a and b (a and b were arbitrary choices).  Two textboxes are used to collect an upper and a lower latitude, and the INNER JOIN will get all hotels with latitudes that are numbers between the two numbers that you selected.  For example, if you chose 38 for lower and 52 for higher then all hotels between the latitudes of 38 and 52 will be listed.

Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
5a. INNER_JOIN.aspx3/15/2008 2:54:57 AM



<%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" CodeFile="INNER_JOIN.aspx.vb" Debug="true" Inherits="INNER_JOIN" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <title>INNER JOIN</title>
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        Lower Latitude: <asp:TextBox ID="LowerLatitudeTextBox" runat="server" />
        <br /><br />
        Upper Latitude: <asp:TextBox ID="UpperLatitudeTextBox" runat="server" />
        <br /><br />
        <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Done" />
        <br /><br />
        <div id="sentences" runat="server" />
Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
5b. INNER_JOIN.aspx.vb3/15/2008 2:56:03 AM



Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Data

Partial Class INNER_JOIN
    Inherits System.Web.UI.Page

    Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")

        Dim lowerlatitude As Double = CDbl(LowerLatitudeTextBox.Text)
        Dim upperlatitude As Double = CDbl(UpperLatitudeTextBox.Text)

        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()


        Dim sqlstatement As String = "SELECT *, a.Latitude AS Latitude, a.City AS City, b.Hotel AS Hotel FROM Cities a INNER JOIN Hotels b ON a.City=b.City WHERE a.Latitude < '" & upperlatitude & "' AND a.Latitude > '" & lowerlatitude & "'"
        Dim command As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(sqlstatement, conn)
        Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()

        While reader.Read()
            sb.Append("The hotel <i>" & reader("Hotel") & "</i>, located near Latitude " & reader("Latitude") & ", is in the city of " & reader("City") & ".<br />")
        End While


        sentences.InnerHtml = sb.ToString()

    End Sub
End Class
Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
5c. More discussion on INNER JOIN (a "talk through it" example)3/15/2008 3:42:47 PM


Most likely you will have more than one table.  The theory for this is abstract, and perhaps fun, but I think right now you want to have something that works for you.  A story problem is used below for constructing an INNER JOIN statement very similar to the one used in example 5.  This is in case someone finds the example to be confusing because it is rather long.

If you are a business, you might have a table that has a record for each transaction (purchase).  Each record might list the sales person or cashier who managed the transaction.  You would probably have a separate table with data about each cashier or sales person.  You might need an INNER JOIN to take information from both tables so that after the computer calculates the bonus check (from math on data in the Transactions table) it can use data in the Cashier table to write the address to where the bonus check will be mailed. 

For this scenario, assume that we have two tables: Cashier, Transactions.  Assume each table has a field (column) labeled ?cashier?.  Assume that table Cashier has fields ?FirstName? and ?LastName? and that table Transactions has a field ?TransactionTotal?. 

For the purpose of abbreviation, I?ll use the letter a to designate the table Cashier and the letter b to designate the table Transaction.  When the INNER JOIN statement is written, the abbreviation letters are written after the table name; this may be confusing because after that the letter precedes the name of a field (solution: write down a complete statement in your notes so you can refer to it quickly).

The statement will read ?Cashier a INNER JOIN Transactions b? in the part that uses the INNER JOIN to connect together the two tables.

The ON statement specifies where the join will occur:

a.Cashier ON b.Cashier

AS ? the word AS is used so you define that City should be the value from the field City in the a table (Cashier) rather than the b table (Trnasactions).  It is written:

 a.City AS City

You may need to use AS several times.  Separate the AS statements with commas, but don?t put a comma between the last AS statement and the word FROM.

The words defined by AS statements can be used in the ?reader? commands to take content from fields in the table.

The last part of string will be the WHERE portion and we want it to find all values in table Transactions in the field ?TransactionTotal? that have values between 10,000 and 100,000.  Instead of hard-coding these values, we will put textboxes on the front page into which you can type 10000 and 100000 and later change them to other numbers.  The values in the textboxes are converted to the type ?double? and put into variables ?lowertotal? and ?uppertotal? defined in the VB code.  We?ll come back to them shortly.

The structure is written:

WHERE b.TransactionTotal < ?? & uppertotal & ?? AND  b.TransactionTotal > ?? & lowertotal & ???

(the above might be hard to  read?it is spelled out as)

(apostrophe quote & uppertotal & quote apostrophe AND b.TransactionTotal > apostrophe quote & lowertotal & quote apostrophe quote)

Because you are mixing text with variables, the & signals that you are changing from one to the other.  A quote signals either the start or end of a text segment.  The apostrophes are placed so that they will encapsulate (i.e. surround) the numbers produced by the variables uppertotal and lowertotal.

When you run this, the computer will fill in the numbers and the computer will see this:

Where b.TransactionTotal < ?100000? AND b.TransactionTotal > ?10000?

You will get quite a bit of practice with using apostrophes, quotes and ampersands (&).  Don?t feel bad if after working hard to get the apostrophes and quotes done correctly you get an error and discover that you forgot an ampersand.


Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
Reviewing the code used in Examples 1 - 5 and listing the SQL code used so far (14 different words or word combinations)3/15/2008 9:17:16 PM





The control, asp:Textbox, is used to take input from the person viewing the page.  The TextBox used in SQL_Inject_Box used Width and Height to make the TextBox considerably larger.  TextMode="Multiline" was needed so that the box would accept and display multiple lines of SQL code.</p>


An asp:Button is used with simple properties (hopefully intuitive).


A div is given an ID (example: ID="someDivID") and on the code behind page  we can put text in the div using, someDivID.InnerHtml = "some text typed here."  


Everything below is placed on the VB code behind page:




Two Imports lines are used to gain access to System.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.




Subroutines are used with the following structure:


Protected Sub SubroutineNameHere(ByVal sender as Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handels SomeButtonNameHere.Click




The Sqlconnection was written as


Dim conn As New SqlConnection("Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True")


For what we are doing here, we want to open a connection and then issue a SqlCommand.  We will need  a string as part of the definition of the SqlCommand. 


A string, with the arbitrary name "mystring", was given the contents of a textbox as follows:


Dim mystring As String = SomeTextBoxNameHere.Text


The SqlCommand is defined using the contents of a string (mystring) and the directions for a connection (conn):


Dim myCommand As New Sqlcommand(mystring, conn)


[authors often use conn for the connection string and cmd for the SqlCommand.]


conn.Open() opens the connection string "conn" that we previously defined. 

Conn.Close() closes it.


Please notice that there is also a conn.Close().  I recommend typing the line conn.Close() imediately after typing conn.Open() so that you don't forget to have the connection closed.


The actions takes place with the line




[comment: you will also be introduced to .ExecuteReader() and .ExecuteScalar()]


STRINGBUILDER (collecting lines of text for use in a div)



Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()


sb.Append("You always use append when adding new content a stringbuilder. ")

sb.Append("I'm hoping that from your seeing it used in an example here it will make sense. ")

sb.Append("Notice that it uses parentheses and quotes.")

sb.Append("If it doesn't click with you now, it might after you have seen it several times and you see the pattern to how it is used.")

someDivID.InnerHtml = sb.ToString()




  • 1. CREATE TABLE - used to create a table
  • 2. IDENTITY - used in a line along with PRIMARY KEY when choosing a field to be the primary key
  • 3. PRIMARY KEY - used in a line along with IDENTITY when choosing a field to be the primary key
  • 4. NOT NULL - If permitted, a field entry starts out as NULL until you put something into it; you may want to find these (see 11)
  • 5. INSERT INTO - used to start a command that will add a new record to a table
  • 6. VALUES - used to precede a set of parentheses holding the values that will be added to a record when INSERT INTO is used
  • 7. SELECT - used to start a command that will find a record based on criteria defined later in the SQL statement. It gets a little more complicated if a JOIN is used.
  • 8. FROM - used in a statement starting with SELECT-used to "point" to a table
  • 9. WHERE - used in a statement to define the criteria of selection (not limited to SELECT though)
  • 10. AND - can be used if you have two (or more) conditions to add to the WHERE portion
  • 11. IS NULL - If you only want records where the field value is NULL, you type IS NULL (rather than =NULL)
  • 12. INNER JOIN - this creates a "bridge" between two tables (other joins exist but this will do plenty for now)
  • 13. ON - this identifies which fields should be used to make a JOIN
  • 14. AS - used in a JOIN statement to use a single word as a short cut for something larger; a.Name AS Name


Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
6. Keep the table but destroy all the records3/16/2008 3:05:24 AM


Assume that you want to put new data into a table, Cities, but first you need to delete all the data that is there--without destroying the table.


It's very easy.  However, I STRONGLY recommend that you back up the data you have before using the above line -- just in case.


Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
7a. ALTER TABLE, ADD (add a column to an existing table)3/16/2008 2:35:31 PM


We are going to be expanding our operation soon to include a program for customers who give repeat business to our hotels.  We will add a table to hold VIP customer information, and a table to hold the dates and places of their visits. 

We need a way to identify a hotel without having to type out a long name like 'Renaissance Moscow Hotel' every time.  We will label hotels with an eight character identity: the first six characters are text and the last two are numeric (hopefully we won't go over the limit of 99 hotels in a particular city...

We want to add a column with the name 'HotelID' and the type 'nchar(8)'.

ALTER TABLE Hotels ADD HotelID nchar(8)


Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
UPDATE statements to add HotelID values to each record in the table Hotels3/16/2008 2:45:58 PM


UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Paris01' WHERE Hotel='Hotel de Crillon'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Paris02' WHERE Hotel='Hotel de Vendome'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Paris03' WHERE Hotel='Hotel Regina'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Berlin01' WHERE Hotel='The Regent Hotel Berlin'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Berlin02' WHERE Hotel='Rocco Forte Hotel de Rome'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Berlin03' WHERE Hotel='Grand Hyatt Berlin'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Moscow01' WHERE Hotel='Renaissance Moscow Hotel'
UPDATE Hotels SET HotelID='Rome01' WHERE Hotel='Hotel Marco Polo'

Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
Creating the tables needed to register VIP customers and to keep records of VIP visits3/16/2008 3:05:17 PM


CustomerID nchar(8) NOT NULL,
FirstName nchar(20),
LastName nchar(20) NOT NULL)

VisitID nchar(8) NOT NULL,
CustomerID nchar(8) NOT NULL,
date datetime NOT NULL,
HotelID nchar(8) NOT NULL)

Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
7b. ALTER TABLE, DROP COLUMN (I accidently included a column that shouldn't be there)3/16/2008 3:19:18 PM


The table VIPvisits should be defined as follows:

VisitID nchar(8) NOT NULL,
CustomerID nchar(8) NOT NULL,
date datetime NOT NULL,
HotelID nchar(8) NOT NULL)

As a result of an error, if you copied the code before I caught the mistake, your table will have a field "Population" that should not be there.

You can remove this unwanted column with:


Start with something simple that works.
Asp.Net User
INSERT INTO statements to put records into tables VIPvisits and VIPcustomers3/16/2008 10:06:35 PM


 Once this is done, you will have four tables and we can try some more advanced SQL.  Soon we will have a join that takes data from all four tables.  You will notice below that three VIPs have the same name, hence the value of our having a CustomerID in the table. (Fix: the apostrophes are the vertical kind now, rather than the curl type--the curl type will not be accepted)


INSERT INTO VIPcustomer (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('00000100', 'Clinton', 'McDonald')
INSERT INTO VIPcustomer (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('00000200', 'Andrew', 'Stevenson')
INSERT INTO VIPcustomer (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('00000300', 'Bill', 'Smith')
INSERT INTO VIPcustomer (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('00000400', 'Bill', 'Smith')
INSERT INTO VIPcustomer (CustomerID, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('00000500', 'Bill', 'Smith')

INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000101','00000100','Paris01','12/31/07')
INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000102','00000300','Berlin02','12/31/07')
INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000103','00000200','Paris01','12/31/07')
INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000104','00000500','Rome01','01/12/07')
INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000105','00000100','Moscow01','03/15/07')
INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000106','00000200','Moscow01','03/15/07')
INSERT INTO VIPvisits (VisitID, CustomerID, HotelID, date) VALUES ('00000107','00000400','Berlin02','04/03/07')


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SQL: A Beginner's Guide Authors: Robert Sheldon, Forrest Houlette, Pages: 560, Published: 2003
Beginning Database Design: From Novice to Professional Authors: Clare Churcher, Pages: 240, Published: 2007
Beginning Visual Basic 2005 Databases Authors: Thearon Willis, Pages: 736, Published: 2006
Oracle SQL*Plus: The Definitive Guide Authors: Jonathan Gennick, Pages: 554, Published: 2005
Designing SQL Server 2000 Databases for .net Enterprise Servers: For Windows 2000 DNA Authors: Syngress, Inc Syngress Media, Syngress Media, Inc. Staff, Robert Patton, Jennifer Ogle, Travis Laird, Pages: 608, Published: 2001
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Unleashed Authors: Ray Rankins, Paul Jensen, Paul Bertucci, Pages: 1560, Published: 2002
Beginning SQL Server 2005 Administration Authors: Dan Wood, Chris Leiter, Paul Turley, Pages: 574, Published: 2006
Microsoft Project 2007 Bible Authors: Elaine Marmel, Pages: 960, Published: 2007
Pro ADO.NET 2.0 Authors: Sahil Malik, Pages: 561, Published: 2005
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007: The Complete Reference Authors: Dave Gochberg, Rob Stewart, Pages: 647, Published: 2008

How to: Create a SQL Server Project SQL Server projects in Visual Studio assist in the creation of stored procedures , triggers, aggregates, user-defined functions, and user-defined types using ...
SQL Project Wizard Use the SQL Project Wizard to automatically create entities and relationships for all database objects in the database tables selected in the New Database ...
WesleyB's Blog : SQL Server Kilimanjaro and Project Madison Wikipedia says "Kilimanjaro with its three volcanic cones, Kibo, Mawenzi, and Shira, is an inactive stratovolcano in north-eastern Tanzania rising 4600 m ...
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SQL Table of Contents NIST SQL Project Table of Contents ... The NIST SQL Testing Service has terminated, SQL testing is offered by several private sector organizations, ...
DTP SQL Development Tools Project Project Components. Routines Editor Framework An extensible framework for editing database routines and SQL statements. Vender-specific extensions enable ...
Microsoft Office Project 2007 : SQL Server Reporting Services ... This post contains a zip file attachment which is the SQL Server Reporting Services(SSRS) 2005 report pack for Project Server 2007.

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Toad Data Analysis for Oracle and SQL Server Check out this video on Quest's newest product, Toad for Data Analysis. It lets you query data from multiple sources and makes scheduling tasks ...
SQL Performance Optimization Gain insight into best practices for SQL Server optimization and ways to alleviate many root causes that can impact performance of your SQL Server ...
SQL Object Coder - Synchronization Support (Additions) During the design of any product or even during development, decisions always occur where database additions are required to accommodate new ...
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 EMC Datawarehousing Best Practices Tune in as EMC's Chad Sakac, senior practice manager for databases and messaging, discusses the challenges of deploying a large database ...
SQL Object Coder - Synchronization Support (Changes) Sometimes decisions always occur where database changes are required. SQL Object Coder addresses this by automatically recognizing the changes ...
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ASP.Net 2.0 Membership X : Adding Membership tables to SQL ... By default Asp.Net 2.0 Membership option creates the database inside App_Data folder of your your project which is not an elegant solution at all ...
Webhacking - SQL INJECTION using SQLFramework I wanna show you a new project - SQLFramework v0.1 beta by Dark-Coders Group. This website wasn't hacked/defaced - I tell admin about all.

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