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> NEWSGROUP > Microsoft News > microsoft.public.scripting.vbscript
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copy file with gpo
i have create (with gpm) a exec.bat on Default Domain Policy->Computer
Configuration-> Windows->Scripts->PowerOn that execute an xcopy *.* from
%logonserver%\directory to c:\programm\SISS o
 23711/15/2007 9:28:00 AM
Set registry value
Is there anyway to set the registry from webpage by vbscript?
It is okay if security risk prompt.


 12011/15/2007 8:18:41 AM
Need help figuring this out
I have the following script. It is supposed to delete all folders in
a directory that are 14 days old or older. But for some reason, I get
"object required" error when it tries to RMDIR the
 21411/15/2007 2:26:00 AM
how to modify an outlook distro list via a script
hello. on my company's internal website, i have a membership form
that allows people to sign up for a newsletter. now, when i capture
their email address, is there any way i can access a par
 02611/14/2007 7:05:59 PM
VBScript with Excel Error
Hi Group,
I have written a vbscript code for data reading the MS Excel file and
storing the data into database and script is scheduled for every 15
minutes for reading excel files one by o
 81711/14/2007 6:45:08 PM
Insert with VB script
Hi Group,
i have written VBscript to insert the values into the table but not
inserting the values.
below is script that i have written

I have created all the constants and connec
 3611/14/2007 6:39:16 PM
PrinterConnection Custom Script

I created a script for all client in a customer. Is the next:

###Delete queues that contains DistritoC
strComputer = "."
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
 91211/14/2007 6:38:02 PM
how to mass change links
I need to move a directory and change all the corresponding links to the
directory and its sub directories and files.

How can I do that

 41911/14/2007 6:28:13 PM
Deleting specific extensions files older than x days
Hello team,
how can I delete all files in specific extensions (eg. *.doc) older than
x days (eg. 7 days). I was looking for it in this newsgroup but I didn?t find.
 102411/14/2007 6:14:52 PM
Row in table is repeated as every other row
I have a table in which every 16 rows, I have a row that spans the 16 columns
containing some example text. The table is pretty basic in layout, I'm using
all in-line properties.

 2911/14/2007 5:24:18 PM
Printers Script

I have a problem in a customer.

Has anybody a Windows 2000 script that makes this?:

1. Delete all printers (local or network) which contains in the name queue
 01711/14/2007 3:46:02 PM
Windows 2000 - Change back from "Open With" to Execute
Sorry if this doesn't make sense...

In Windows 2000 Server, I clicked "Always use this program to open these
files" with VBS and Notepad !

I really want the default of Open to b
 43611/14/2007 3:10:01 PM
set users home folder permissions
is there a script that can set all users' home folders' security permissions
exclusively to the user who owns the folder (or plus administrators)?

 43011/14/2007 1:25:46 PM
check if variable is no longer use

how do I check if an object has been cleared?

I perform the following:
set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(
 41411/14/2007 12:41:58 PM
executeglobal question

if I execute the following I have no issue:

But I really would
 52011/14/2007 12:37:54 PM
Calling VBScript file from a VBScript file and passing arg's

How do I code a VBScript file to be called by another VBScript file
and accept arguments?

This webpage displays my problem. Below is code from that page.
 51611/14/2007 7:33:31 AM
My {TAB} does'nt work anymore

I made an XP upgrade, and now my WSH programmed keys don't work
The've been working fine for years. I use them to supply password for
testing my application
 31611/13/2007 9:53:20 PM
Print Automation with IE7
I'm having a problem automating printing html/web pages with IE7 and I
am wondering if anyone else has had the same problem.

When I print large numbers of html docs or web pages, I am fin
 111611/13/2007 8:54:09 PM
fins user and move new user in that container or OU
would this work extract the OU (container
details) of the existing user (similar user's "strmember" container)
and move the new user (strUser) in to the container.

, please help!!!!!!
 11811/13/2007 7:01:02 PM
List Forest all domains full DNS names
I have large W2K3 forest. I need script to list all domains (root, child,
childchild,...) with DNS name f. ex. following...
 12511/13/2007 6:30:29 PM
Apply font size to entire table
How can I apply a font size to an entire table?

Please note that in this case, I cannot use CSS, I need the in-line argument.

Placing before the table doesn't work...
 21611/13/2007 6:24:04 PM
Regular Expression: Not This String And Not That String
With a Regular Expression, how do I say "not this string and not that

For example, how to return true on strings that do NOT include
"OrderCancellation" and ALSO do NOT inclu
 23611/13/2007 5:45:46 PM
how to access stdout
Dim oExec
set oExec = WSH.Exec("cmd /c dir /s/b " & LnkDir & "\*.lnk ")

Do while oExec.Status = 0
wscript.sleep 100

how do I read the oExec.stdOut?
 32311/13/2007 3:40:10 PM
Problem with printout command (word.application)

I'm using the following code to create a .mdi file from a Word document
using "Microsoft Office Document Image Writer":

oWord.ActivePrinter = "Microsoft Office Document Imag
 05311/13/2007 1:19:33 PM
to find user in ad and move a diffent user to that container or OU
would this work extract the OU (container
details) of the existing user (similar user's "strmember" container)
and move the new user (strUser) in to the container.

, please help!!!!!!
 02211/13/2007 12:51:38 PM
Create user, copy a users memberships
Please please help

im trying to find and copy a user's memberships, (similar user
i have cut the relevant text from my script , this is not the complete
 32411/13/2007 12:48:25 PM
Calling VBScript file from a VBScript file and passing arg's

How do I code a VBScript file to be called by another VBScript file
and accept arguments?

This webpage displays my problem. Below is code from that page.
 0411/13/2007 6:43:21 AM
Calling VBScript file from a VBScript file and passing arg's

How do I code a VBScript file to be called by another VBScript file
and accept arguments?

This webpage displays my problem. Below is code from that page.
 01611/13/2007 6:30:48 AM
How to get size of indivisual shadow copy shadows?
At there is a script
that lists all the shadows on a computer, which works well on my Vista
system. Shadows are the entities
 02111/12/2007 11:53:45 PM
FTP Directory Listing - File Date Format?
Hi All, I'm not sure I'm in the correct group, please direct me if I need to
take this elsewhere.

I have to pull files via ftp from a unix ftp server. I need to pull every
file tha
 33011/12/2007 5:37:20 PM
Disable and re-enable a Nic port

On my PC I've got three Network port, and I have a need to disable and
re-enable a particular network port. How can do this with a vb script, and
I how would do that for
 12311/12/2007 4:34:36 PM
Login Script Permisions
Got a script that runs at login via group policy. It maps two basic shares
common to all users then maps a drive based on the the group they are a
member of.

Script is running as m
 11711/12/2007 1:04:01 PM
what is wrong with this?
what is wrong with this?
if ObjArgs.Count> 0 Then
ElseIf InStr(ObjArgs(0) "-h", vbTextCompare) > 1 then ' got error on
' ^-- char 4

 131211/12/2007 12:18:02 PM
Difference between ASP/VBScript and JavaScript
Is there any document or reference, explaining the difference between
ASP/VBScript and JavaScript?
Any type of document is welcome. (User Interface, Language level, and so)
 21511/12/2007 4:42:27 AM
Script to install Windows 2003 SP2 on multiple servers

I am looking for a script to install windows 2003 SP2 on about 100 servers.
We don't have SMS or WSUS configured. Is there an easy way to accomplish it
? may be PowerShell ?
 31511/11/2007 11:14:59 PM
Removing blank line at the end of text file
Hopefully this is something simple. I have a script that reads a text file,
replaces some text and then writes the data back to the text file. The
problem I've run into is that th
 11311/11/2007 5:21:57 PM
Help with copying files via vb script.
Here is my situation. I am going to use a vb script to re-direct
users "Favorites" to their home directory into a folder called
"Webfavorites". I have figured out how to create the folder, a
 0711/11/2007 5:10:26 PM
Scheduled Defrag
I've created a script and put it on my Machine OU under Computer
Configuration->Windows Settings->Scripts->Startup. I can get it to work,
but I'd like to streamline this script a little bit
 66911/10/2007 3:55:52 PM
Script Error
I have the following at the end of a long script with the intention of
deleting all the Excel Spreadsheets in the directory. It was working but the
past few days I am getting an error. Can
 121611/10/2007 3:39:39 PM
Redirecting favorites folder
We are stopping the use of roaming profiles. I'd like to copy and redirect
the Favorites folder from the user's roaming profile loaction to their home
share (H:). I Googled and found many
 01711/10/2007 3:05:18 PM
Error 800A0046 with Shell.Run, but .Exec works

I use VBScript to execute an application on a network drive.

The script looks like this:

const cFolder = "S:\Apps\MyProg"
const cPrg = "prg
 217111/10/2007 2:48:00 PM
How to automate Google queries?
I was feeling paranoid the other day and wondering just how much information
google is storing about me from the searches I make. The obvious answer to
my paranoia (apart from the ubiquitous t
 4711/10/2007 8:43:24 AM
Error: ActiveX conponent can't create object.

Hope I'm in the right group for posting this question, if not please advise.

I just returned from a troubleshooting session on a Windows XP Home machine
that is throw
 113011/10/2007 7:30:14 AM
msgbox question
Is there a way to disable or remove the close buton in the upper right hand
corner of the msgbox. So users are forced to click ?

 62311/10/2007 7:22:55 AM
count or length of array form split
myarray = split("somestring", vbcrlf)
wscript.echo myarray.length
would give me error on char 1 "Object required"

what did I do wrong?

 1811/10/2007 6:10:01 AM
Detect mouse click on img border?
I have added a thick border around certain images on an HTA; Is it possible
to detect a mouse click on the border area (i.e. not the image, nor the body)?

If so, could you please post ex
 11911/10/2007 4:18:47 AM
name of current script being run
I thought it is but I got wscript Host instead of the name of
eh script being run
what should it be?

 22111/10/2007 3:44:41 AM
Open a PDF file; execute a hyperlink
I need example VBScript that opens a PDF file (a Reader file); can someone
please post something like that?

Also, I'm assuming you must specify the path - is Acrobat always installed
 11611/10/2007 3:39:49 AM
Complex Script for excel
I want a VBS macro for excel that will take external data from a table
out of a web query. This particular table will populate and worksheet
in the excel. The table has 12 columns. The colu
 31611/10/2007 3:16:18 AM
Add a gutter space around image in HTA
I have an HTA that displays an image. I start the image at Top= 25px;

Some images completely fill the screen to the right and bottom edges, so you
have to scroll to see
 21311/10/2007 12:07:20 AM

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