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Zone: > Asp.Net Forum > starter_kits_and_source_projects.personal_site_starter_kit Tags:
Item Type: Date Entered: 8/20/2006 5:26:55 PM Date Modified: Subscribers: 0 Subscribe Alert
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"shivanshub" <>
NewsGroup User
how to use with IIS8/20/2006 5:26:55 PM


hi.    pls  tell me how to use this with ISS on xp prof. 

when i try it from loccal hot it give me error.

The XML page cannot be displayed

Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. Please correct the error and then click the Refresh button, or try again later.

A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'http://localhost/pers_rtm_v1_cs/Default.aspx'. Li...

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Default.master" Title="Your Name Here | Home"

now pls tell me what to do now.

thanks in adv.

"XIII" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/20/2006 5:41:11 PM



and welcome to the ASP.NET forums.

You probably installed the .NET 2.0 framework before installing IIS. Either way you need to register .NET in IIS. You do this by navigating to the place where your .NET framework resides: c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\framework\v2.0.50727\

there you'll find the aspnet_regiis.exe. You execute this tool with the extra flag -i: so you type in the command prompt aspnet_regiis -i.

Grz, Kris.

Kris van der Mast [MVP] || 101 LINQ to SQL samples
"shivanshub" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/21/2006 6:25:38 PM


Hi thanks to welcome me. I knew that but forget to do that.  Any way thanks for great help. But now one more problem now the error is.



Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Theme 'White' cannot be found in the application or global theme directories.

Source Error:

Line 7:          </connectionStrings>
Line 8:          <system.web>
Line 9:                   <pages styleSheetTheme="White"/>
Line 10:                  <customErrors mode="RemoteOnly"/>
Line 11:                  <compilation debug="false"/>

Source File: D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\pers_rtm_v1_vb\web.config    Line: 9

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42





Why is this  ?????????????????

"XIII" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/21/2006 6:59:30 PM



normally you should have a subfolder called App_Themes and under that one a folder called White where all of the .css files, images, skin files reside. The application is looking for this particular folder because it's stated in the web.config to use that particular white theme.

Grz, Kris.

Kris van der Mast [MVP] || 101 LINQ to SQL samples
"Steve Favorite
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/21/2006 7:38:32 PM


Just to let you know I just downloaded The Starter Kit today, The Folder stucture of the whole kit

jacked up bad. I have tried to download it from two different sources with the same results.

For example:

No images folder / all images are all over the project

No App_ Themes folder

Personal.mdf is not in the App_Data folder

And So on Any ideas on what s wrong?



"shivanshub" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/22/2006 9:16:09 AM


can u tell me waht do now ??????

realy it's hard to see what's where and hard mang all things in one folder as u said .

pls reply
"XIII" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/22/2006 11:05:03 AM



just to be sure: how did you start/initiate your PWS kit in your IDE? Normally you should download the .vsi file, execute it. Then you open your IDE (vs 2005 or VWD Express) and create a new web application. In the templates available you choose the Personal starter kit template. Everything's just in place where it should be. If not, try downloading the latest bits from

Grz, Kris.

Kris van der Mast [MVP] || 101 LINQ to SQL samples
"shivanshub" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/22/2006 5:11:44 PM


hey dear thanks 4 help it's working now. thanks 4 great help.  and if i can do any thing any time 4 u . i will  be happy..............

thanks onec again

NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/25/2006 11:55:19 PM


I don't seem to be able to run PSW under IIS, I am using VS2005 Professional version on XP pro. Here is what I have done:

 1. downloaded personal website template (.vsi file) from the above link

2. installed the template file

3. Then when I started VS2005, click "File->New->Web Site", the template of "Personal Web Site Starter Kit" was there, after I specified file location and clicked the template link, it created the project/solution. However, it doesn't automatically create web application inside IIS, and therefore when I started the project, it bypassed IIS and instead uses ASP.NET dev server which was localhost:1831 on my machine.

 So my question is with PSW template, how can we use IIS instead of ASP.NET Dev Server? Or, maybe it really doesn't matter?

 Please advise. Thanks


"jwadsworth" <>
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/26/2006 3:30:26 AM


You can use IIS by going into IIS and creating a virtual directory that points to the root of your project. Don't forget to set it to use ASP.NET 2.0. After you have created the virtual directory, go to VS - Website menu and click Startup Options. Then set your project to use a custom server and point it at your virtual directory.


Extended Personal Site Starter kit
"[email protected]"
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS8/26/2006 1:56:18 PM



3. Then when I started VS2005, click "File->New->Web Site", the template of "Personal Web Site Starter Kit" was there, after I specified file location and clicked the template link, it created the project/solution. However, it doesn't automatically create web application inside IIS, and therefore when I started the project, it bypassed IIS and instead uses ASP.NET dev server which was localhost:1831 on my machine.

 So my question is with PSW template, how can we use IIS instead of ASP.NET Dev Server? Or, maybe it really doesn't matter?

Create a HTTP site, not a file-based site.  Configure IIS correctly first, then choose the location by HTTP.  And you can always open the site in IIS by not using the built-in web server, open Internet Explorer and browse to the site.


Please: Don't forget to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helped you. That way future readers will know which post solved your issue.
NewsGroup User
Re: how to use with IIS9/7/2006 5:03:19 PM


yes it worked with specifying HTTP server (localhost). Thanks for the help.

I started looking into the difference of web project tha't new in VS2005 and web application as in VS2003.

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