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> Asp.Net Forum > visual_studio.visual_studio_2005
Express with Visual Studio 2005

I currently have visual studio express installed on my machine, which has a number of projects that I have worked on.  I now want to start a new project using the full blown visual studio 20

 2422/21/2008 8:47:31 PM
Initial Visual Studio Environment choices for Team Ed. for Architects

When I installed VS2005 and ran for the first time, I got a screen that prompted me to pick my environment. I had about three choices. Two I remember, Web Developer or C# Programmer I believe. My

 1262/21/2008 8:25:04 PM
Want to generate runtime label and textbox.

I want to generate an application in which when I click on add button both label and textbox should be generated above add button and button should be shifted below.This should be done in the tab

 21002/21/2008 6:17:53 PM
I want to bound an image button and link button in the datagrid from databa se.

I have a datagrid on my web page in which I want to display both the image and name of the category. This two things are stored in the database. Now I am not able to understand which property of

 1932/21/2008 3:37:01 PM
Project template reference problem

Hi all,

       I have to create one project template. It contains 3 projects.

      what i mean is, this single project

 0262/21/2008 2:00:04 PM
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this action

Getting above error in javascript when i click the button !..

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this action

Thanks in advance,


 32262/21/2008 12:52:16 PM
Help File preferred collection

How do we change the preferred colleciton in the help files? It should be under Tools/Options/Help but I don't see anything there to change the default. Mine is currently showing only SQL Ser

 3222/21/2008 8:51:03 AM
TableAdapter Configuration Wizard error



 9742/21/2008 7:23:22 AM
Using custom control classes

Hi, I'm relatively new to this, and I'm attempting to use a custom GridView. I downloaded the .CS file and stored it in the App_Code directory. How do I actually reference this new .CS fi

 3422/21/2008 2:02:25 AM
hi all, i have one doubt. how to hide the querystring

i pass one querystring with url 

 for example : http://localhost:4545/example/example.aspx?user=example

i want to hide the querystring 

 for example:

 4342/20/2008 11:09:19 AM
Problem: Pages do not load completely from within VS2005

 Hi all,

 since yesterday I have been expreriencing quite a strange problem when trying to debug

my site from within VS2005.

I have developing this site

 2182/20/2008 10:34:20 AM
Existing file warning??


Since 2 weeks i'am busy to get familar with VS2005 and ASP.NET 2.0, after many years i have used VS2003 and 1.1 .

There is a strange problem that i not ca

 7322/20/2008 8:24:32 AM
Synchronize / Copy Website DOES NOT WORK

I would love to know this.... HOW COME SOMETHING SO SIMPLE DOESN'T WORK. Sometimes I wonder if microsoft even tests this stuff.

I am talking BASIC simple copy here. I have a source we

 1262/20/2008 1:01:06 AM
How MSIL Works?

 Hello all,

I had seen one .net application in which Hardware interaction is done using the C# programming  and also they are using DLL created in VC++.

I confused t

 1592/20/2008 12:59:29 AM
Using VS2005, Source Control and different development levels

I have a question about how to effectively use VS2005 and a source control program for development when we want to have different development levels.

Consider initially our Classi

 1322/20/2008 12:53:21 AM
Stop Debugging Command Doesn't Stop Execution

When debugging the server-side code of my ASP page, if I stop debugging (via the 'Stop Debugging' option on the debug menu or the equivalent tool-bar button) although this appears to stop the deb

 11852/20/2008 12:09:31 AM
Vista + Visual Studio - The Web server does not appear to have the FrontPag e server extensions installed

I have worked with Vista for the past 2 months - with no problems at all.  I get to work today (30 Janurary 2007) and all of a sudden I keep getting this error message when I open my solutio

 104582/19/2008 8:35:06 PM
Intellisense question...

Hi All,

I just built myself a new computer and installed Visual Studio 2005.  On my old box it would use intellisense if I typed table, hyperlink, gridview when I was setting my con

 2342/19/2008 8:04:42 PM
doubt in visual studio build [makefile]


      I have a solution which has 4 project files. 3 of those projects build 1 DLL each. The 4th project [named BuildAll] will build other 3 projects and

 0332/19/2008 6:31:28 PM
audio video chat application

can anyone help me to develop a chat application in 2.0 or in C# that supports audio video conference..?

Thanx in advance.....

 3262/19/2008 4:09:02 PM
OWC control problem in

I have added a COM object to the Toolbox that is "Pivot table" web component. But if i check in the toolbar it is not showing that control.

Then Right-clicked on toolbar and selec

 3982/19/2008 1:30:28 PM
app_code folder


I create a Project (Not WebSite) in Visual Studio 2005. I am not able to include the folder app_Code in the created project.

Is is possible to include this folder in the proj

 1832/19/2008 1:08:34 PM
OLEDB from VS2003 but NO OLEDB in VS2005??


i have a question, and please help me, i have a friend who is currently using VS 2003 in their office, when he is making his connection string, he is using it like this "DIM = conn

 6272/19/2008 11:30:05 AM
VS 2005 overview

Hi everybody,

Can any body tell me where we can find the PPTs  and articles

about VS2005 IDE




Suresh Kumar G


 1342/18/2008 10:13:30 PM
Source array was not long enough

 I am receiving this error in my application:

"Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds."

This oc

 22942/18/2008 8:48:51 PM
Why does the .sln file of a website project get saved in 'Visual Studio 200 5\Projects'

Hi all,

i have a bit of a problem. I am using SourceSafe within our dev team, and I want to create a website project which will also have another project, so essentially I will end up with

 3372/18/2008 5:36:08 PM
Having a error msg during running the web application

Error 1 It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level.  This error can be caused by a virtual directory not

 4302/18/2008 3:46:28 PM
VS2005 on Virtual PC

I have downloaded Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 on my computer and I'm planning to install VS2005 on it. I have searched online to see if I could do just that, and have found many art

 1242/18/2008 2:24:21 PM
VS 2005 with IE 7 javascript debugger; keyword not working

Hello and thank you for you help in advance.

I use the debugger; keyword in my javascript in VS 2005 with IE 7 and it has been working well... now all of a sudden it does not step into the

 1342/18/2008 8:56:56 AM
Membership db becommes read only

I have a VS 2005 web site on my local development server (IIS running on windows XP). It uses the standard visual web developer express database for the membership provider.  When I upl

 3282/18/2008 8:02:48 AM
Attach to process in Visual Studio is not showing Type - Scripts

I have 2 machines at work - one allowes me to debug to a classic asp page from within visual studio when I view the page and then attach to process dllhost within vs - I can do that fine and I se

 2432/18/2008 12:13:09 AM
VS2005 on external Hard drive

Hi All,
I hope this is not the wrong forum for my question, and if it is I apologize. I bought an external hard drive so that I can install VS2005 on it, I thought it would be a cheap alt

 1252/16/2008 5:12:38 PM
sql script

i am creating a new website. how do i run the sql script in vs 2005 to create a  database in app_data folder?


Jai Ganesh. J , GSD ,Ind
 1542/16/2008 11:48:53 AM
Downgrade project from 2008 to 2005


 I used Visual Studio 2008, but I decided to downgrade to 2005, because I must use XNA too, and that supports only the 2005. I would like to downgrade projects and solutions. 2005

 34222/16/2008 3:34:15 AM
Word Wrap???

Alright, I know this is pretty meaningless, but does anyone know how to change the word wrap in visual studio?? I have a c# file that I would like the minimum word wrap to be much higher. How???&

 2462/16/2008 2:39:43 AM
Visual SourceSafe 2005 msg - "Failed to check in one or more files. So me files remain checked out or not added."

I tried to add an entire web site of files to SourceSafe as a new project (with the project name being the same as the virtual directory for the site). It ran for about 5 minutes or so and added

 31522/16/2008 1:32:04 AM
Class Diagram file (.cd)

When I double click a file it starts with Visual Studio, but VS gives an error.

"Cannot load ''
Cannot open file. Class Diagrams can only be added t

 2762/15/2008 5:18:55 PM
VS 2005: Copy Website: remember password

 Hi Folks,
is there any way for the 'copy website' feature to remember the ftp password?


 21422/15/2008 7:09:17 AM
Facing problem in Password recovery control

I have used password recovery control of 2.0. The code that i have used in web config is given below


 5192/15/2008 5:48:12 AM
Debugging a solution

I've moved a lolution from one computer to another and getting an error when trying to run the solution on the new machine (VS 2005)

Error:  Unable to launch Visual Studio's

 2272/15/2008 2:48:15 AM
How to use code snippets in .aspx file

How can I use code snippets in an .aspx file? - Dutch ASP.NET Specialists

 8572/15/2008 1:26:38 AM
Web Site / Solution issue

Hey All,

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 Standard and I'm running into an issue. Every time I open a web site and build it, Visual Studio attempts to create a solution file. I've

 1292/15/2008 1:21:18 AM
Project or WebSite ?

Hi Guys,

            Here is my problem, I have been trying to change the application setting for my AjaxEnabledWebSite and Been wa

 1412/15/2008 12:56:07 AM
Adding a FIle to VS Source Control

We are using VS2005 Team Edition.  I am having an issue because one of the .vb files associated with a form has not been added to Source Control.  What is the best way to force a file t

 2222/14/2008 11:36:33 PM
VSTS 2005 branching issues

I am having issues with branching in VSTS 2005.  I have a main/integration branch and a branch for feature development.  I have made a feature branch made my changes, tested them, and m

 0352/14/2008 9:39:40 PM
Region Auto-collapse

Does anyone know if there is anyway to turn off the feature which collapses all regions the first time you load a vb file into visual studio. From what i understand it doesnt do this with c-sharp

 1402/14/2008 7:49:33 PM
open and close an ascx file in vs 2005

I have a web project with about 10000 files in it.

When I open a ascx file, even in source editor view (I gave up design view long time ago because of the performance), it's very

 2382/14/2008 11:43:23 AM
VS2005 and SQL2005 uninstall/install order

Given VS2005 team and SQLExpres running on a dev box, you have to change SQLExpress to SQL2005 developer.

Here's what needs to be done:

  1. unins
 1352/14/2008 5:36:38 AM
Referencing question

I set some references in VB 2005 web solution.

When I save the changes and open the project again, I see some extra references getting added automatically.

Is there a way to 

 1312/14/2008 2:59:11 AM
lost shortcuts in VS'05

I have done it again ... Embarrassed I have plaid with whatever and now  there are not shortcuts shown when I hover over th

 2422/13/2008 9:19:15 PM

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